El Bib Anything and everything relating to The Bible.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003 :::

Nothingness On Furlough
Colossians 1.17

In the beginning,
The Word decreed energy strings,
Each one singing,
Shaping manifold things.

But ex nihilo nihil fit,
Unless Creator fasten it,
And so with Strong Force far and nigh,
Word binds the like-charged nuclei,

Sustaining each and every atom
Of every daughter and son of Adam.
Including the stubbornly autonomous
Who nailed the Word upon a cross,

Never dreaming that the love so real
Of Him who suffered bleeding, bare,
Played the strings that sang like steel,
And in obedience pinned him there.

::: posted by Roderick of TMin at 1:35 PM


Anything and everything relating to The Bible.

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