El Bib Anything and everything relating to The Bible.

Monday, May 12, 2003 :::

An amillennial (or "realized millennium") view interprets the binding of Satan in Rev. 20 as describing the victory of Christ over Satan at the cross. Critics of the amillennial interpretation point out the absurdity of claiming that Satan has been bound and no longer deceiving the nations for the last 2,000 years. However, there is another detail, often overlooked, that creates serious difficulty for the amillennial interpretation: Rev. 20.7 and following states that "When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations..." How does the amillennial view interpret Satan's release at the end of the "millennium"? Is Christ's victory at the cross to be undone at some future point? God forbid! The fact of Satan's release at the end of the thousand years strikes me as fatal to the amillennial interpretation.

::: posted by Roderick of TMin at 9:51 AM


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